Monday, September 23, 2019

Calculate Molar Mass

Molecular mass can be calculated for any molecule. As in the previous post, the conversion factor for carbon-12 is shown. With molecules, one must calculate the molecular mass.  Thus, the molecular mass is the summation of the resulting product of a component atom and its respective molecular mass of that atom over all atoms in the molecule (see Equation 1 below). For example, the molecular mass of methane can be calculated by this:

4*(atomic mass of hydrogen) + (1)*atomic mass of carbon= molecular mass of methane

4*(1.008) + 12.01 = 16.042 amu 

With the conversion factor from the previous post, we can easily convert 16.042 amu to g/mol so that molar mass of methane is 16.042 g in one mole.

i = A r n A r i X n i = ( A r X n )
Equation 1: The summation equation of calculating Molecular Mass of a substance

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